Tuesday 9 March 2010

Oh, Dear...

Really need to write on this more.

And I will do once I've finished this task for Writers... And that uni work I have to do would also be an idea...

Friday 18 December 2009

No-one on MSN

So I have nothing more interesting to do than write on this - no offence. I also have time which is a miracle.

So, I am now 19. Had an awesome birthday. I got a Mr. Flibble, a Terry Pratchett calender, DVDs, a bag of change, a book by Rob Grant and a lot of money.

Had three nights out. Writers, Terry Pratchett and the Forensic Biologists. They were all totally awesome. I'm not going to go into it much, cause it's too much to talk about. Did go see Avatar 3D last night. It was a pretty awesome film! Loved it! :D

I'm getting distracted by the news here; something on about drugs.

I'm waiting for Have I Got News For You? to come on. Was wanting to see Live at the Apollo but my mum was watching Victorian Farm and my sister was out. It has been taped, though. As has Wednesday's Never Mind the Buzzcocks presented by DAVID TENNANT! :D

Speaking of him, David Tennant is in Hamlet which will be on BBC1 on Boxing Day at 5:05 pm. So want to see it! But I think my gran is coming over or I'm going to hers.

Anyways, I have nothing else to add, except I am gutted I have to do an essay over the holidays! :(

Going to totally ignore the work I have to do tomorrow and write stories for the sheer hell of it. Actually, need to text Lisa to arrange a meeting tomorrow so I can give her her present and card! :)

Bill Bailey on Have I Got News For You! :D

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Just... Everything

I feel like I never get a moment's peace around here! If it's not one thing it's another!

As you could probably tell, what with Fusion, Writers, the Guild and Beavers plus all then coursework I should probably do instead of being on this, I haven't had much time to "blog". Mainly cause I "blog" on Bebo. But also cause, when I do get on the computer I end up on Facebook doing things for the Guild. Unnecessary they may be, but I like to make sure everyone is updated.

Although, I do e-mail them, so...

Ah, yes. I have Facebook. I blame Tom. I only created a page so I could create a page for the Guild and I have ended up on there more than Bebo. Which is actually rather more slow seeing as everyone concentrates on Facebook.

In fact, only a few hours ago did someone point out that I should put pictures up on Bebo. And I really should. I mean, I do have a camera and, crappy though it may be, my mum and dad payed for it and so I should use it. It's just a question of batteries and uploading the pictures I have on it to the computer.

God, I am tired! I think my sleep equalled close to nil last night. I don't know why. I just feel worse than usual. Maybe it was the running around last night.

There was a reason for this. I didn't want the money. I could explain or fall asleep at this point, but, seeing as I am not quite sure if I should be in here any more, I'll do the explanation.

I bought a muffin last night in the Union. As I unwrapped it, Stewart gave an exclamation (I can't remember what of, but he wanted a bit, that's all I remember). So I gave him a bit which he shared with Dave. So I thought, I should share this with everyone else, cause it's not fair if I just give Stewart et al. a bit and only Stewart et al. So I asked people if they wanted any and I split it up, leaving me with the top of it (the best bit!). It was a rather small piece compared to the muffin. Stewart then berated me for giving it away and decided he would give me money to buy another one. I started dodging him by walking round and round the pool table. (Incidentally, by the way, I never got to finish that muffin, cause, as I walked past Tom, he held out his hand as if he wanted something, so I automatically gave him it. Damn my generosity!)

Running away from Stewart was necessary as he began to catch me up so I ran off to the girls' toilet. He followed me and tried to get Hazel to give me it, but she walked past me without giving it to me. I waited till Stewart was sitting, looking the other way outside the toilet and then ran back to the table. He didn't follow and later he and Pete walked back with a muffin and tried to force it on me. I dodged out of it again. Then Pete told me it was a very, very belated 18th birthday present.

So I took the muffin and ate it.

I should go get something to eat, actually: it might wake me up a bit.

And the only reason I am in uni in the first place is for a damned tutorial you could do at home! Not happy. But I used this extra hour to do nothing and sort my presentation out - a bit. Really do not want to do it. The presentation looks awful and I need to figure out what I'm saying. And I need to look at people! Awooga, awooga! OK, so I do look at people, but not people I don't know. And I don't know my class yet. Well, most of them. I need to wait till the week after the presentation to do that.

You see, the Forensic Biologists are organising a Christmas night out on the 17th. We're gonna go to Frankenstein's and then the Garage. The night before this will be the Guild's night in, as we'll be in the Union dressed up (yes, Tom: dressed up!), playing pool. And the night before that will be the Writers night out... somewhere... So a whole week of staying at Hazel's cause she said I could! Which is lucky, cause then I can stay out later and get up later.

But that fun week is the week after I need to get all my work in. Get this: I have a Microbiology Assessment for BM204 to be handed in on Monday which we got told what we're doing yesterday; a Web Exam for BM201 (agh!) the day after my birthday (grr...); oral presentations the day after that, mine sometime between then and the Friday; and on the Friday I've got a Genetics Assignment to hand in for BM203.

Luckily, the stuff for BM204 and BM203 don't look that hard. I think...

Anyways, some class is coming in (in 2 minutes for a couple of hours apparently) and I should really get out of the way. And I need food...

(Happy now, Tom?)

Monday 21 September 2009

At the weekend....

So at the weekend I went to a camp with the Cubs and Scouts. I didn't want to go cause I thought the kids would annoy me and my wee sister never does anything I say. However, I had to go cause I was getting the first part of my adult training at this camp.

(The following is an extract from my blog on Bebo cause I am being lazy...)

It was actually pretty fun. Friday night we had hot dogs when we got there. Then all the kids went out and played "hidey" in the dark. Of course, the Scouts slept in tents, so they had to put them up first. You should have seen the stars! It was beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen so many stars.

On Saturday, the Scouts went for a hike up a hill while the Cubs stayed behind and made paper boats. At first they didn't work and a couple of them disappeared. Then, the only one to stay upright second time round was Ian's.

Then they got some "Hot Shots" planes before preparing for the puppet show they were planning to do.

The puppet show was about "Dodgy Sheep", a sheep which continously dies in various ways. They then went on to tell horror stories. My dad (Scout Leader) then told them about the Grey Men of the Mist which scared the hell out of them. Iain (another leader) opened the curtains to show them a hand... which was my dad's, but you should have heard the screams!

Afterwards, a couple of Scouts had to fill up the buckets from the burn (for flushing the toilets) and Iain decided to scare them. One of them saw a movement and freaked out, announcing "It's happening!" We had a bit of a laugh about that!

I've decided I would love to take my friends there for a weekend. I just have doubts they will want to come...

Got a show to do tomorrow morning for Fusion from half 9. I should have asked for a later time. Too late now.

On Wednesday, it's the Freshers Fair and I have to do a stall for the Guild of Fanatical Terry Pratchett Fans. I'm worrying about it and I hope it goes well.

I've got another show on Thursday morning but with Hazel. Should be fun. Will probably be cold as both times we will be outside.

Looking forward to all of it (although not so much, the Freshers' Fair). Especially looking forward to going back to uni. It'll give me something to do.

Thursday 17 September 2009

This is Confusing

So I've just been in SPIDER where the new timetables are now up. You can apparently print it off as well. Well, I say apparently but I have a copy sitting next to me right now.

I'm a bit worried about it with regards to the Monday which is when my new radio show should be. Unfortunately, we already knew we would be having to forfeit the radio show one Monday due to some sort of thing which would be only one week. However, on this timetable it says in black-and-white the following:
BM204 R443-9
Practical Bio & Skills Dev
(Wk 8 - Refectory)
So I'm now worried that it means that we will have our labs on Monday just to spite me or if they mean just that week. What's even worse is, the hour beforehand, it says:
BM204 Col 330
Wks 4 - 7 & 11 - 12
Seeing as the next three hours have the same class (with the actual title, though), I'm worried this is when my labs will be. Which means we need to change it. Which is a bit of a problem....
Hang about; just looking at this has made me realise that on a Tuesday, from 14.00 till 17.00 there is the same class. Oh, my God, relief!
I suppose I just hope that I either get assigned the Tuesday or that I can change it...
Would being on a radio show be a good excuse to change it do you think, or will I have to lie and say I'm busy and not specify what...
This timetable makes a lot more sense if you stare at it worried for a while... That 1 o'clock thing for BM204 must be the lectures we are apparently getting this time round...
Wait this timetable says we have a class test for BM201 on Week 5 instead of Week 6. God, I'd wish they'd make their minds up.
Can't wait to find out what Forensic Natural History and Microscopy will be like! I'm getting rather excited about going back. And about next week: Freshers' Week!
The only time I don't get excited is if I think about the Guild of Fanatical Terry Pratchett Fans. Particularly since Tom doesn't seem to have finished the poster (which isn't his fault I suppose) and I'm beginning to panic about that. And about what I will say to people on the day. And, if there is an afterwards, what the hell we will actually do. And what bloody night it will be, seeing as tom can't make up his mind when he wants to do it. OK, that's an injustice; he only said he didn't think he'd be able to make it on a Thursday.
Wanted to record an advert for it today but I didn't know what day it'll be. Hazel suggested calling him. I did but he didn't answer. So the mystery continues...

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Moving On...

Well, now that I have a timetable written out on paper, with a pen (in a mess - I managed to miss out "12-13". How I managed that, I don't know...), I have been able to discuss with Hazel when exactly we should have our radio show.

Which reminds me... about the Bebo page...

So we discussed the best time to have our show, so we asked for Monday afternoon for two hours. And we got it: two till four. I now need to tell her how to get onto the Bebo page so that she can help me out with that...

Recording the adverts was fun. Although I may have laughed too much. I don't think acting would be a wise career move.

More of the same tomorrow morning.

Speaking of Bebo pages, I was practically forced to start a Facebook page for The Guild of Fanatical Terry Pratchett Fans. There is now a profile for me and a group for is. I can hardly work the thing.

But now is not the time to complain: my gran is here to visit...

Monday 14 September 2009

Hey, Lookie Here!

Dave helped me find my timetables last night although, apparently, they'll be on SPIDER on the next week. I should have just e-mailed my Advisor of Studies in the first place!

Anyways, I have absolutely no 9 o'clock starts in Semester 1! Apart from one Friday when I have a tutorial which lasts two hours. I am so pleased!

No getting up at half 6. No needing to sit hungry on the train. No buying my breakfast at the Union. No being extremely tired and falling asleep in lectures.

Semester 2 is another story, though. I haven't really looked, but my mum noticed that there are 9 o'clock starts - on a Monday... Nooooo! However, I only have four different classes, one of them being labs and a couple of lectures for Practical Bioscience and Development. Or whatever it's called.

I'm all excited to go back - I can't wait! My first Forensic lecture will be on the Wednesday we go back! Yay!

The only downside is that my first lecture of second year is Bio-Organic Chemistry. And I think we're getting the same guy we got for first year organic chemistry again...

Cue Hangman. I've got a few new things to do, but it's been that long that I can now do the same ones again.

I've had a thought: playing Hangman and writing notes to Hazel is the naughtiest I've ever been in education. I would never have done that in school! In fact, the only punishment I ever had to do was in Primary School. I got a Red Dot for forgetting my gym kit. And I only forgot it the once.

In fact, my Higher Chemistry teacher said it was scary teaching me and Lisa cause we never spoke. That's cause I understood most of it and I didn't need to ask a question. Oh, and he managed to spot me doodling on my school diary...

If the belt had still been in use when I was in school, I wouldn't have got it once.

My dad got it once, though. His teacher thought he was speaking when it was the boy next to him. My mum was like me; never got the belt in her life.

Speaking of my mum, I found out something a few weeks ago which mortified my wee sister and inspired me. Apparently my mum used to wear a cap with those fluffy things for sticking to windows attached to it. Do you know what I mean by "those fluffy things"? Cause I'm not sure I've explained myself right. I have no idea what they're actually called. I thought that was an awesome idea and I now want one. Just like I want Rimmer's hat from Season 3!